Being old, death gets my attention, so I read the obituaries. This is a collection of recent obits, mostly of people whose work touched my life, because I want to say thanks (or maybe give 'em a final fuck you).

There’ll be a roundup like this occasionally, until I’m on the list myself.

Jeff Baena
filmmaker, Life After Beth

Arthur Bankston II
in county jail

Aaron Brown
hosted 9/11/2001 on CNN

Jimmy Carter
39th US President


Woody Fraser
hands-on TV producer

Terry Flowers
in county jail

Arista Hunt
in county jail

Debrina Kawam
forgotten person

Adam Lafferty
in county jail

Richard Lambert
in county jail

Linda Lavin
actress, Alice

Joseph Lee
in county jail

Ember Leona
forgotten person

David Lodge
author, Small World

Charlie Maxwell
baseballer, Detroit Tigers

Raymond Mills
in county jail

Jeff Moore

name withheld, 21
in county jail

name withheld, 47
in county jail

Wayne Osmond

Bobby Ray Patton
in county jail

Lenny Randle
baseballer, Seattle Mariners

Judy Rodriguez
Jane Doe

Shigeko Sasamori
peace activist

Anthony Thomas
in county jail

Warren Upton
survived Pearl Harbor

Brenton Wood
rock’n’roller, “Oogum Boogum Song”

Virgil Wood

Mason Andrew Yancy
in county jail

Note: When reading news coverage from any corporate-owned source — a newspaper, TV station or network, etc — the facts are generally factual, but the slant favors the rich and powerful.

Previously dead

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Thanks Doug, your shares are always a nice reminder we are but dust in the wind but to smile along the way