Hold on, here’s my moment! I get to explain a joke!
See, the first statement is factual: photons travel through spacetime faster than soundwaves.
In the second statement:
If a person is considered ‘bright’, they are considered to be clever. This has a double meaning as light is also considered ‘bright’.
Hearing someone speak in this instance refers to the popular idea that you don’t know how intelligent someone is until you open a dialogue with them. This is in the same league as someone quoting the well-known idiom: “It is better to be silent and to be thought of a fool, than speak and remove all doubt” - (Origins unknown)
The joke is that the “bright” light (carrying its other meaning, implying the person may be intelligent) with which you see a person reaches your eyes before the sounds of their unintelligent brains spew forth from their mouth and reach your ears.
Edit: I’m also somewhat intoxicated, so I hope this made sense and didn’t send you into a spiral of becoming even more confused.
Hold on, here’s my moment! I get to explain a joke!
See, the first statement is factual: photons travel through spacetime faster than soundwaves.
In the second statement:
If a person is considered ‘bright’, they are considered to be clever. This has a double meaning as light is also considered ‘bright’.
Hearing someone speak in this instance refers to the popular idea that you don’t know how intelligent someone is until you open a dialogue with them. This is in the same league as someone quoting the well-known idiom: “It is better to be silent and to be thought of a fool, than speak and remove all doubt” - (Origins unknown)
The joke is that the “bright” light (carrying its other meaning, implying the person may be intelligent) with which you see a person reaches your eyes before the sounds of their unintelligent brains spew forth from their mouth and reach your ears.
Edit: I’m also somewhat intoxicated, so I hope this made sense and didn’t send you into a spiral of becoming even more confused.
Wow that’s a very detailed response, thanks! What I was missing mostly was the bright=clever, now I get it!