So saw in costco packages of “hand pulled rotisery chicken” selling for $5.5/lb ($16 per package). I guess chickens that don’t sell they “disaasemble” and package it. Got me curious, Is it worth paying for hand pulled? how much meat is in a full chicken and average cost per lb?

So got one chicken, pulled myself, remove bones, skin and anything not pure meat…took about 5 minutes …and weighted. Total Weight was 2.1 lb … About $5 bucks/chicken… so $2.5/lb. The labor more than doubles the price. Do you want to pay >2x per pound for pre pulled?

  • Lvxferre [he/him]
    72 months ago

    If Costco was a thing where I live*, I’d probably never buy pre-pulled roti chicken. Pulling chicken is mostly something I do with the leftovers, to repurpose them; specially the breast**. So buying it already pulled feels pointless, you know?

    *at least here in Paraná most people buy roasted chicken from small, street corner markets. They often have a large rotisserie oven, that can be seen from the street; not just by humans, the neighbourhood dogs often stare those ovens, giving them the “TV de cachorro” (dog TV) nickname.

    **most of my family beelines for the red parts, so the breast is typically what’s left. The only one who would rather eat the breast is Kika, my cat - but she eats, like, a tablespoon or two worth of chicken. (My other cat Siegfrieda doesn’t even recognise it as food.)