Of course it’s not an explicit expectation, but the news cycle is dominated by a mix of 24/7 news and daily summaries. It’s rare that I see weekly, bi-weekly, monthly summaries. I’m thinking, is there really that much that can happen in a day and that warrants our attention? Most news are clickbait focused on the negative, making us feel depressed and feeds our negative emotions. I wouldn’t be surprised if the news actively contributes to the mental health crisis.

At the same time I think it can be of importance to have some understanding on what’s going on in one’s local area, one’s country and in the world. For me I think a weekly summary would be good balance, but those are weirdly hard to find. What are your thoughts?

  • @PostnataleAbtreibung
    21 month ago

    It really took me a while to experience the perfect newspaper for me. It comes daily with actual news and background stories as well as investigative reports from time to time. It is public owned, so if you have shares you actually have a say what they report.

    It is a very left daily newspaper, which suits me well. Taz, if you ever heard of it.

    Though, daily news aren’t too good for your mental health, especially bad ones. So, who is deciding that you „have to keep up“? I think no one expect yourself. So if you decide to just not read for a week or even a month, it is just on you. You can catch up by reading some headlines and decide, what catches your interest later on.