Hello, does anyone know of a tasks app that will keep sending reminders every x minutes until you check off a task? I have to take a pill at a specific time every day but I am absolutely terrible with reminders and I get constantly distracted. Often I see the notif/alarm but just ignore it or immediately forget about it. I wish there was a way to keep getting alarms until I actually check off that I took the pill.

  • Cris
    2 months ago

    I had an app that I used for this, I really wish I could remember what it was called… Because i needed more functionality I later set up the same behaviour up with tasker, but have since moved to an alarm

    Edit: I wasn’t able to find what I used to use, but if you search “repeating reminder” on the play store you get a ton of options that seem like they’d work, including some specifically for medications

    • @fedeOP
      22 months ago

      Thank you I’ll take a look!

      • Cris
        12 months ago

        Hope you’re able to find something that works well for you!

    • @Excigma
      22 months ago

      Google Play Apps list for not installed apps.

      You may be able to find the app in the list of not installed apps! There’s also a possibility that the app is now abandonware and no longer works on modern Android versions though :(.

      • Cris
        22 months ago

        If it’s in there, I wasn’t able to find it, but thank you so much for letting me know this existed, I had no idea that was a thing!

        • @Excigma
          22 months ago

          Oh, that’s a pity. It’s nice to go down the nostalgia lane of old apps and games you used to use though, haha

          • Cris
            22 months ago

            It definitely was! So many apps I tried and had completely forgotten about, it took ages to scroll through them all 😅