I’ve been shooting every now and then for the last 20-ish years and I’m a decent shot. I’ve shot a handful of different pistols, rifles, and shotguns. Leaning towards getting a pistol, not totally sure what I’d get. It would be for home/self defense but I like to go to the range sometimes. I’m considering:

  • Some sort of 1911
  • Ruger LC380 (is it even possible to get a CCW in CA?)

Any thoughts/recommendations?

  • SSTF
    11 days ago

    The gap between even a compact 1911 and a .380 pocket pistol is pretty wide. They are both automatic handguns, but quite different.

    If you aren’t planning to carry, there’s really no reason to pick a pocket pistol sized handgun over something else that is larger and more pleasant to effectively shoot. If you do want to carry (and are able to navigate how to make that happen in CA) a pocket sized .380 is a good option because the size and weight making it easier to consistently carry trumps shooting ergonomics in this situation. Sidenote: While I refer to all of these sub sub compacts as pocket pistols I want to mention I don’t actually advocate pocket carry. It’s stupid, even with those soft pocket holsters. Just get an IWB holster which will be nice and tiny matching the handgun in the ease of carrying.

    Putting those pocket pistols out of the running assuming it won’t be carried, the options are still open. At the point you get into the caliber and different operating system arguments. I think 9mm is tried and true. A striker SAO styled pistol is a pretty inoffensive choice. Glocks are popular, but if you aren’t interested in the aftermarket upgrades I think these days there are better out of the box options like CZ P-10s and even the M&P series are better than a stock out of box Glock IMO.

    But some people like 1911s or DA/SA guns. That’s your choice. I think for 1911s, Rock Island Armory is still considered the go to 1911 when you don’t want to spend huge money but honestly my information on 1911s lags a bit, they aren’t really my focus. For a DA/SA I’ll again show my Czech bias for the CZ-75 series.

    • @[email protected]
      511 days ago

      Also, Rock Island Armory has some 1911 models that are chambered in 9mm, and a couple of the double-stacked ones are reasonably priced if you’re willing to look around. One I was eyeing a couple months back was $550, though was iron-sights only

    • @SupraMario
      311 days ago


      Cz75 sp-01 for full frame

      Any of the 9mm cz compacts for well smaller frame

      The question is why a handgun if you’re keeping it just for home defense and not carrying it?

      Get an AR.

      • SSTF
        11 days ago

        The terminology for handguns is a little wonky, as “automatic” is a long running term for automatically loading, semi-auto pistols. It’s not incorrect to say semi-automatic pistol , but the insistence on saying it is somewhat new compared to historical term use.

        • @SupraMario
          210 days ago

          I don’t know where you are from, but no one says automatic handgun here in the states. As automatic, is exactly that around here: hold trigger and it mag dumps. Semi-auto is just pointing out it’s not a revolver.

      • @ramenshamanOP
        110 days ago

        I’m pretty sure I’m not even allowed to say “AR” here in CA

        • @SupraMario
          310 days ago

          Oof yea that’s true. Then go CZ. Once you go CZ everything will feel like cheap junk

        • @[email protected]
          10 days ago

          I know multiple people here who own AR-15s, and have shot multiple

          They (stupidly) restrict a lot of attachments but the gun is legal here

          Or, since it’s home defense: the Remington 680 870 (the 680 is a cod gun and idk why autocorrect did that lol) is great

          • @ramenshamanOP
            210 days ago

            The only people I know who have them here are vets. Either way I’m looking for something a little tamer, my gf would have a fit if I came home with an AR. I’ll have to check out the 680.

          • @ramenshamanOP
            110 days ago

            I’m not seeing the 680 anywhere, you sure that’s the right number? Maybe it was discontinued?

            • @[email protected]
              210 days ago

              Lol gboard autocorrected it to the fucking call of duty one holy shit I don’t even use this phone for those where did it learn ghat

              The real one is the 8 7 0, no spaces

              • @ramenshamanOP
                110 days ago

                LOL ok I see it now. Yeah I would shoot that. Not sure if I want a shotgun for my first gun but I’ll keep that in mind.