In no way did my brain consider this to not be satire…

  • Michaelmitchell
    82 years ago

    I sort of agree with this, no one uses that bike lane to commute. The bridge itself is 4 miles and there gonna be another couple of miles of hills and suburbs on either side before you get to anything. We shouldn’t just make it another car lane though, imo we should keep up the barriers and make it a bus only lane during the morning. The bridge is theoretically a great transit corridor as there’s unconnected regional rail on both sides, along with ferry terminals, it’s just those buses always get stuck in traffic. That way Everybody wins, the bicyclists can just strap there bike to the front of the bus and only have to ride the last mile, people who can’t ride a bike but want a faster commute out of traffic can take the bus then hop on one of the regional trains, the cars can sit in their soul crushing traffic and watch a bus whiz by and realize the error of their ways.