
A comic of two foxes, one of whom is blue, the other is green. In this one, Blue and Green are sitting on the opposite ends of a mattress, with a scrungled-up fitted sheet resting on top of the mattress between them. The foxes look at each other, full of confidence. Green: Ready to tackle putting on the fitted sheet? Blue: Yep!

Blue and Green begin to struggle with the sheet, stretching it over the mattress. Blue: Is it still on right? Green: No! The left corner escaped!

After great painstaking efforts, the foxes succeed. Standing on the opposite sides of the now sheet-covered mattress, they admire the fruits of their hard work. Green: Phew! Finally!

The foxes draw back in surprise as the mattress suddenly gives in under the strain of the bedsheet, folding nearly in half into a banana shape, as the corners of the mattress are pulled up by the corners of the sheet.

  • @[email protected]
    62 months ago

    One of my fitted sheets (The Big One brand I think) has a little tag on the shorter side that reads “TOP OR BOTTOM”, super handy

    • @essteeyou
      102 months ago

      Oh, I thought that was just a really inappropriate question. I’m always top, and the sheet is always bottom anyway.