• @Tattorack
    322 hours ago

    Are they compatible with LEGO in format and quality?

    • Lucy :3
      221 hours ago

      Exactly the same format, and almost all have the same, some (eg. bricks from GoBricks and Pantasy) even better quality, color quality across bricks, better and more prints instead of stickers, better protection against scratches on transparent panes etc. And, of course, cheaper, yet much more pieces and much more love and care poured into sets.

      LEGOs only defence is to claim specific design patents, which are not checked for validity, on essential bricks. Note that they didn’t invent the basic bricks, and not even most of the advanced bricks. They simply want to claim all rights to produce plastic clamping bricks, so they can lower quality/production cost further and charge more. Article in german, just use a translator ig.: https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/petition-zum-legoparagraph-im-europaeischen-designrecht-fuer-rechtssicherheit-sorgen

      • @Tattorack
        217 hours ago

        Well, I’ll check some of those brands out.

        They, of course, need to be able to ship to the EU, as I actually live in Denmark. So I do wonder what the price will be like, how it’ll compare to buying LEGO over here, after shipping costs, VAT, tarrifs, and customs fees get added to the price.