It is an unprecedented case. And it risks triggering an unprecedented threat to journalism. The UK police have repeatedly tried to obtain the passwords to the phones of the British independent journalist, Richard Medhurst, the first reporter arrested in London under Section 12: his analyses and comments on Israel’s bloodbath in Gaza – which Amnesty International has characterised as genocide – have been interpreted by the police as support for organisations banned from the UK, such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

The British journalists’ union, the NUJ, and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) publicly condemned his arrest and the use of anti-terrorism laws against journalists “simply for carrying out their work”.

  • @[email protected]
    12 months ago

    If this guy gets locked up just because you think he’s a disgusting freak

    Maybe I need to explain this, maybe you needed to hear it from me, from anyone, because it’s not obvious to you and somehow managed to become the cornerstone of your dumb as fuck argument: I am not locking Richard Medhurst up, and nothing I say about him influences the outcome of his legal situation.

    then you can be locked up as soon as anyone thinks you’re a disgusting freak

    “Anyone” is gonna arrest, charge, prosecute, convict, judge, and jail me? Stop lil bro, you are butchering this argument. Leave it for people who have at least a 3rd grade understanding of how laws work.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      Awww, that’s sweet. You’re trying to humiliate me. It isn’t working.
      Anyway, what is your argument? It very much seems like you’re saying this guy should be locked up because you find him disgusting. If there’s more to it than that, then maybe you should explain what you mean.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Yes it’s a pity you seem immune to shame. Very Trump-like. My argument is spelled out clear as day. Meanwhile we have no idea why you carry water for a terrorist simp like Richard Medhurst. Find an adult to read it to you if you are having trouble. You don’t seem to understand simple cause and effect so it’s not a stretch to imagine your reading comprehension suffers as well.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          So your argument is just that this guy should go to jail because you dislike him, then.
          Why is every accusation an admission with you people?

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            Once again, not even close to my argument. Why is every accusation a smokescreen for even worse shit and weak strawmen with you people?

            • @[email protected]
              12 months ago

              Once again, then: state your argument so I can evaluate it. Otherwise it’s just the original “he needs to go to prison because I don’t like him” along with a big dash of, “you’re such a stupid poo face poo poo head”.

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                You still thinking I have the power to put him in prison is hilarious. It’s called an opinion lil bro.

                • @[email protected]
                  12 months ago

                  This is just too good to leave alone. You have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, obviously, but the really funny part is that you also have absolutely no idea what you yourself are taking about. You actually aren’t capable of writing down your point of view, which is fascinating because it could be for so many reasons.

                  • @[email protected]
                    12 months ago

                    You’ve been running scared of your position the entire thread, chasing after some inconsequential slippery slope argument you can’t even argue for without sounding brain damaged. What was it you said, every accusation is a confession?

                    Why don’t you just come out and say it, you LOVE terrorists, hate Jews, want to rape civilians, and murder everyone that disagrees with you. It’s very clear seeing as you refuse to address it.