This is how Canadians have always behaved - selflessly, neighbourly, and supportive. Like the founding of the UN peacekeepers, like the RCMP teaching emerging democracies how to police, like the democratic observers reporting on the fairness of elections around the developing world.
Until L’il PP takes over. Then we’ll just be another belligerent cuntry only looking out for whatever is percived as best for the Canadian guillotine class.
This is how Canadians have always behaved - selflessly, neighbourly, and supportive. Like the founding of the UN peacekeepers, like the RCMP teaching emerging democracies how to police, like the democratic observers reporting on the fairness of elections around the developing world.
Until L’il PP takes over. Then we’ll just be another belligerent cuntry only looking out for whatever is percived as best for the Canadian guillotine class.
Just like 'Murica under Herr Drumpf.