And this is a school run by evil Pearson who controls all the textbooks, so that’s a bit of a comfort even as America’s educational standards slip down the tubes.

  • @melisdrawing
    72 months ago

    Yup, I also went through Catholic grade school and received my first F in anything in the third grade. It was because I had a grievance with the way my ancient nun of a teacher explained heaven. I kept asking her about how the other ideas of heaven (nirvana/valhalla/ whatever else I had heard of be age 8) couldn’t all be the same place just viewed through other languages/cultures. She ended up slapping me and giving me a failing grade in religion.

    I have continued to fail at religion as a lifelong practice. She helped cement some contrarianism in me to the point where I actually read the whole bible by 6th grade so as to be better prepared for debates.