Sadly overexposed the heron a bit but I caught the pose and symmetrical reflection.

  • @L3mmyW1nksOP
    2 months ago

    Tried something with Darktable. As usual, I got quite frustrated with my ability to change things in a way I feel to be in control of. Well at least monsieur le bird seems to be shown in a less exposed way:

    • KevinFRK
      22 months ago

      Well, I think I like that more than the original one, so if it was me, I’d count the post-processing as a win. There might be settings that are marginally better, but you could spend a lot of time for little gain (judging which picture is overall better when you’ve only moved “one notch” is really hard).

    • @ZkhqrD5o
      21 month ago

      I like it way more than the original. Yes, the background’s darker, but the heron is the correct exposure. And only the heron, so you have a point where the eye is drawn to. I think with one of the presets in the article it would be even better.