It’s the sort of injury that will make you suspicious of sex toys for a long time. The internet has caught wind of a resurfaced story involving a young woman who was sent to the hospital after she underwent a MRI scan while having an apparently metallic butt plug inside herself.

An anonymous medical provider reported the strange incident to the Food and Drug Administration in April 2023, though it’s received renewed media attention this week. The 22-year-old woman reportedly screamed out in pain as she was pulled out of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine following a scan, which then prompted her delayed admission of having had a “butt plug” inserted. Though an ambulance did take her to a hospital afterward, the patient’s ultimate fate is unknown.

  • @Death_Equity
    382 months ago

    I am not going to kink shame(because plugs are hot), but you should feel pretty dumb for wearing a plug of unknown, or known, metallic content in a MAGNETIC Resonance Machine. Maybe don’t even wear one while doing anything abnormal like a medical exam; interviews, do you.

    • @[email protected]
      212 months ago

      I’ve seen a post about this kinda situation before that claimed the plug in that case had been falsely advertised as 100% silicone