There are so many other birds out there that we’ve stopped eating. I am doing my part to bring back the eating of swans, geese, pheasants, ducks of all kinds, ostriches, emus, quail, pigeons and rare parrot. It seems unfair that chickens get all the love.
To be fair, one of those three animals basically perfected it’s flavor to the point where everything else tastes just like it.
There are so many other birds out there that we’ve stopped eating. I am doing my part to bring back the eating of swans, geese, pheasants, ducks of all kinds, ostriches, emus, quail, pigeons and rare parrot. It seems unfair that chickens get all the love.
I dunno man that sounds like a bit much. I prefer my parrot well done.
Duck and quail are absolutely amazing, and way better than chicken. I really like pigeon too.
Quail eggs are the best, albeit annoying to work with.
I’m so hungry… rabbit is s good tho.