Maybe they’re good? I’ll never know cause I refuse to give views to such a toxic person, and Dave Mustaine? Two toxic morons talking to each other? Sounds like a blast /s
Too bad he gets “corrupted” because he is naïve and believes the things he hears on Rogan or you would have a point.
Believe it or not, many of Rogan’s listeners are even less rigorous about fact checking than he is because they trust his guests even if they don’t trust him.
I am always disheartened when I see his podcast is always at the top of the charts, even left leaning reasonable friends i know listen to it
Some episodes are good. Dave from megadeth for example.
The problem with the podcast is Joe agrees with everyone.
Maybe they’re good? I’ll never know cause I refuse to give views to such a toxic person, and Dave Mustaine? Two toxic morons talking to each other? Sounds like a blast /s
wait, im out of the loop, what did Dave Mustaine do?
The personal life section of his Wikipedia page lists more than a few examples of conservative Christian themed bigotry.
this is why I dont like to dig too much into musicians lives, they always disappoint me.
Yep. I have a friend who is very much on the left, but he’s also really naïve, so he doesn’t see the problem with listening to Rogan.
yeah, imagine being so naïve you think you can listen to things without being corrupted
Too bad he gets “corrupted” because he is naïve and believes the things he hears on Rogan or you would have a point.
Believe it or not, many of Rogan’s listeners are even less rigorous about fact checking than he is because they trust his guests even if they don’t trust him.
I really enjoy when he has physicists on. That’s about it.
Watch the physicists when they’re talking to someone intelligent. Much better.
You’re part of the problem
Yeah my bad I shouldn’t be single handedly propping up the biggest podcast in the world like that I really dropped the ball.
I haven’t watched it in years. I just think he has good conversations with real scientists. Cope harder and be useless.