Rickyisms are modern day malapropisms, named for Mrs Malaprop from the 1775 play The Rivals by Sheridan, rather than malaphors.
The difference being a malaphor is a mixed up idiom like the examples in the post and a malapropism is substituting a word in a common saying or idiom for a similar sounding one. For example, “finding an escape goat” or “I resemble that remark”.
Malaphors? I call these Rickyisms.
Rickyisms are modern day malapropisms, named for Mrs Malaprop from the 1775 play The Rivals by Sheridan, rather than malaphors.
The difference being a malaphor is a mixed up idiom like the examples in the post and a malapropism is substituting a word in a common saying or idiom for a similar sounding one. For example, “finding an escape goat” or “I resemble that remark”.
It’s all water under the fridge.
Exactly. Making these things up ain’t rocket appliances.
And there’s so many out there already you can use the existing ones and teach others; get two birds stoned at once
Worse case Ontario I get to tell you I toad a so, I fuckin a toad a so.