So this one got some more than just the usual ‘adjust contrast, desaturate, increase vibrance’ treatment. After seeing what someone made of my fog post with some local contrast etc, I thought I’d experiment a bit. So I first did some work on the overall picture, toning down highlights, increasing ambiance, desaturating and setting the white balance a bit further to the cold side.
But then I added some extra darkening to the shadows of the road to increase its local contrast and lit up the shadowy regions of the mountains. Somehow that makes the image work a lot better now imho.
What software do you use?
In this case snapseed. It seems to be the only software apart from Adobe PS that can correctly read the .DNG raw files from my dji mini 3.
For more ambitious projects I preprocess in snapseed, export a high quality jpeg and push that through gimp afterwards
Wow, interesting. Seems odd that any pro editing software would be unable to process a .DNG file
If you find one that’s not a subscription service and is able to read DNG’s weird color correction matrix tell me, I’ll be all ears. But so far I had no luck and not for lack of investing time in the search…
I use CaptureOne (it’s a sub, but I believe they have a lifetime option; I just didn’t want to shell out until I was sure I liked it). If you want to sent me a RAW file, I will give it a go!