If a list were to be generated of a bunch of accounts that stopped posting as of November 5th, one could look at the post history of said accounts and reasonably infer if they were bots.
Being of Russian (specifically) origin would be a bit more difficult but also somewhat irrelevant at this point too.
Noone said harassing or witch hunt, just figuring out who is a Russian bot
That’s the thing, who decides that ?
Any reasonable person with a brain.
If a list were to be generated of a bunch of accounts that stopped posting as of November 5th, one could look at the post history of said accounts and reasonably infer if they were bots.
Being of Russian (specifically) origin would be a bit more difficult but also somewhat irrelevant at this point too.
Yeah, and you are the reasonable person with a brain right?
Don’t worry, you’ll realize your mistake when the inevitable comes and the party committee finds you guilty of the same
Jesus Christ, you people really got rekt with that election
Did you mean for this reply to go elsewhere in this thread? It doesn’t appear relevant to my comment beyond the first sentence.