Turns out, when the elite of society works against their own people to enrich themselves, the (rational) people realize they owe you neither trust or allegiance. Can’t have it both ways.

Nothing wrong with a little competition, amirite?

  • @[email protected]
    1 month ago

    they’d literally trust the CCP before they’d trust Zuck, Musk, or Trump.

    For an American living in America, this should be the default position. China does not care what I say about the American government, and if they did, there’s fuckall they can do about it.

    • @AllonzeeOP
      1 month ago

      They’re letting us talk about Luigi in a positive light, which is objectively more free than it is in the US, where it’s been locked down even on TikTok.

      And if that’s a CCP tactic to undermine the US economy, then the enemy of my enemy, our murderous capitalists, is my friend for now. If they want to undermine and cripple our greed class, then our interests are aligned for now, and considering we lost the class war in the 1980s and have been living under class occupation ever since with our neoliberals and republicans playing good cop/bad cop defending our sociopath economy from the people as they stoke social division, amplifying wedges to keep us divided, we need all the help we can get.