Honestly, just WTF is going on with the world today? Achievements in a mobile app for ordering coffee, like this is some sort of weird mobile game you play. Is this what we are looking forward to in our future?

  • @taiyang
    4 hours ago

    Honestly, gamification is good but this is just stupid. Humans respond to gamification for a reason, it can add a sense of accomplishment or help you lay out goals, etc. If you gave that to, say, a non-profit looking to motivate volunteers who clean up the beach or something, it’s a net gain for society.

    But this? What accomplishment or goal do you get for eating shitty donuts 500 times? I’d like to meet the man (and it most certainly is a man) who is proud of his 500th Dunkin trip. I’ll buy him a dose of insulin (but only the subsidized stuff).