By using words like “revenue” and “impact” instead of “profit”. It’s magic!
For example: “We expect everyone to accept a paltry, below-market wage to better support our mission so we can pay our executive director a ludicrously high salary and ensure our board gets regular fancy dinners have greater impact”
Proton is a nonprofit.
So? Workers at nonprofits can’t have a union?
They can. But a nonprofit does not have a profit incentive to keep wages low.
Well you’ve never worked for a nonprofit I can see.
So how does a nonprofit increase its profit by keeping wages low?
By using words like “revenue” and “impact” instead of “profit”. It’s magic!
For example: “We expect everyone to accept a paltry, below-market wage to better support our mission so we can
pay our executive director a ludicrously high salary and ensure our board gets regular fancy dinnershave greater impact”