• Jordan Lund
    12 years ago

    As soon as they went off track I was like “If you didn’t want to use the material then why did you license it in the first place?”

    Would be like if, I dunno, somebody wanted to make a Care Bears movie and made it about a group of mercenaries with colorfully painted body armor.

    I’m not going to automatically say it’s awful, it’s just not the Care Bears. ;)

    • Bleeping Lobster
      12 years ago

      As soon as they went off track I was like “If you didn’t want to use the material then why did you license it in the first place?”

      How do you feel about the ‘Three Body Problem’ being produced by the Game of Thrones guys? (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

      • Jordan Lund
        22 years ago

        People give the Game of Thrones guys crap for the final few seasons, but you have to remember, they ran out of material to adapt, they were basically working off Martin’s Post-It-Notes at that point.

        While they actually HAD material to adapt, they were OK. Trying to generate new content off a bare bones outline? Maybe not so much.

        • Bleeping Lobster
          12 years ago

          That’s a fair point, that I’d not considered. I’m trying not to pre-judge 3BP, but also trying not to get too excited for it… hype is a killer when it falls flat