• @jordanlund
    22 months ago

    There are tens of us! I first heard her singing the Peter Gunn theme on my college radio station in, like, '92? Something like that?

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOP
      22 months ago

      She’s a gem. I did see her and Neko live a couple of times. I also loved the Jody Grind albums, I bought one through Google Play Music when you could still do that but it somehow doesn’t exist on YouTube Music even though it was a download and my other purchased downloads are there. Hogan had a great Tumblr for a while and she posted a really well written piece on how her bandmate was killed by a drunk driver that’s really haunting. She once said “I’m broke, I’m fat, I’m on cuckoo pills, but I’m happy”, and I just love that energy…