thought you guys would find this blog post from Brian Leiter today funny. he’s a pretty good guy and a respected scholar so no shade on him, clearly just misinformed. i wonder if this is in some way downstream of the recent political drama around proton.

  • @Buddahriffic
    41 month ago

    So it’s your fault they had to add a period between firstname and lastname!

    Now it’s a race to get a good number like firstnamelastname69 or 112358.

    • Lord Wiggle
      1 month ago

      The period is optional. Not using it or placing a period somewhere else and it still works. Also a +whatever before the @ works too. Easy to see who sold your data. [email protected] and every spam you get with the +facebook in the address is from data Facebook sold.

      Edit: yeah, whatever happens, it is always my fault. Remember that.