I’m sure many of you have seen this image floating around online at some point.

It seems a rather neat idea, though I’d be worried about any sort of accident, or even potential fight, ripping that piercing right out.

But, what if the lenses attached with magnets instead?..

  • @over_cloxOP
    11 month ago

    I thought about that a bit later on myself. Like, if you just look down, wouldn’t gravity just do its thing and pull the glasses away from your face?

    But that also made me think, where the nose pads are, you could also have piercings on the sides of the nose and matching pins in the nose pads to much better hold them in place.

    I dunno, seems a nifty novelty idea for people into piercings (not for me though), but also seems it could have been designed a bit better than that too.

    • Coelacanth
      11 month ago

      I just can’t see it having enough structural integrity unless you graft the piercings onto your nasal bone.

      • @over_cloxOP
        11 month ago

        Make the magnetic surfaces flat, so they prefer to rest at an exact angle. Neodymium magnets are pretty strong ya know.

        • Coelacanth
          11 month ago

          But the skin is not rigid, and piercings are ultimately just attached to your skin are they not?

          • @over_cloxOP
            11 month ago

            Typical glasses aren’t exactly rigid either, and I wouldn’t even want them to be super rigid anyways. Hey, at least the piercing mount wouldn’t be able to slide down your nose.

            And if something happens, like you bump into something, or get punched or whatever, at least the lens(es) should easily pop off, rather than ripping the piercing out.