My father got himself a laser cutting machine for Christmas. He found the plans for this kit and cut it out. I’ve spent the last couple weeks slowly assembling/gluing it together. Today, it is finished.
My father got himself a laser cutting machine for Christmas. He found the plans for this kit and cut it out. I’ve spent the last couple weeks slowly assembling/gluing it together. Today, it is finished.
Do you have ant of the assembly pictures? I’d love to see some of the pieces. Haven’t seen laser cut before for this.
Also are you planning to paint it? Looks good as it is, btw. Also great job!
I didn’t take as many working shots as I should have.
If you are interested I can link to the download to the instructions which shows a lot more
Oh, and no, I don’t think I’ll paint it. I like the raw wood with burned end look to it.