Freedom Day for this owl rescued by high schoolers after their Homecoming night! Not great photos, but there just screen caps of highly compressed video.

From Southwest VA Wildlife Center of Roanoke

This Eastern Screech Owl came to us this Fall after being found in the road by some local high school students here in Roanoke!

They were on the way back from their Homecoming dance when they spotted him on the ground, possibly after being struck by a vehicle. Sensing that something was wrong, these vigilant students pulled over, and one young lady–still in her dress and heels!–hopped out to contain the little owl and get him out of harm’s way.

They got him home right away, and she brought him to us herself first thing the next morning!

Thanks to their actions, this owl was treated for head trauma, eye abrasions, and bruising from the suspected vehicle strike. After some time to heal and acclimate to the cold winter weather, this handsome raptor was returned to the wild where he was found! Wherever those students are now, we’re grateful for their kindness to wildlife, and they have our thanks!

  • anon6789OP
    32 months ago

    They beat you to that one!