• @AFaithfulNihilist
    14 days ago

    China is a fascist capitalist hell hole.

    China is in absolutely no way communist. They have a very clear system of personal property ownership, private businesses, banks, wages, rents, and classes. They have expensive private schools and child labor. Everything about China is very obviously state capitalist.

    What they don’t have, is the illusion of democracy. There is only one party in China, and it sets the government’s agenda at all levels without consideration for the will of the majority.

    YMMV as for if you believe we have democracy in the west, but it is obviously MORE democratic than China.

    Both the United States and China anticipate a global police state. The question is who will run it. Neither can tolerate democracy. Neither nation is willing to acknowledge what it really is.

    The fascism and the capitalism go hand in hand, both feeding off and boosting each other in a downward spiral taking the state through a dark period where prison populations explode and then a much darker period where they empty out very quickly.