Total beginner here, looking to buy my first camera and looking for a lens that would be able to deal with the widest range of situations (a zoom one) all in one package. I’ve got about 600usd to spend on it and I’m fully aware it’s not much, but I want to get a good start.

I can’t buy used ones where I live (even from online platforms around the world), so it’d have to be new.

At the moment my goal is to take photos of pretty much everything: nature (apart from moving animals), landscapes, streets, portraits, objects (large and small), architecture, and I also plan to film videos quite a bit. Nothing fast moving and no sports though.

I’d love to shoot in close-up macro, too, but I understand it’s not possible within one lens.

What could you recommend?

  • @AnAustralianPhotographer
    11 month ago

    It’s getting a little outside my area of expertise on the image quality part. Canon have professional lenses which have the red ring around them (or they did for the ef lenses) and I have seen others judge image sharpness etc between lenses and say stuff like it’s slightly sharper at f/8.0 but I don’t think I could tell the difference between the lenses without looking at the EXIF data.

    The page I looked at said the 18-150 had macro capability and the extra reach of the zoom would be the two main things I’d see as differences.

    No image stabilisation shouldn’t be an issue by itself. If your zoomed out wide, you might need to use a faster shutter speed such as 1/200th of a second or a tripod to keep the camera steady where stabilisation might let you hand hold and take the shot.

    I’m using sample figures here, but stabikisation might let you take a shot at a lower ISO and keep a higher image quality at 1/20th second or 1/60th second and might help take a nicer picture in lower light conditions which would otherwise be blurry if it was taken hand held.

    But adjusting the ISO from say 100 to 1600 and taking the same photo at 1/500th a second shouldn’t see much image quality change.