Training routine: 8k/50min once a week, 1-2 (usually 1) slower runs of 3k-ish.
Always at least 1 day rest, where I sometimes do light upper body workouts, sometimes nothing.
Longer run sometimes replaced by an alpine hike of a few hours. Walking of at least 3k, often more, almost daily. I’ve been doing the latter for years, been running somewhat consistently for ~8months.
Participating in a 10k in May.
I’m noticing some pain behind the upper edge of my patellae that tends to start around the middle or end of my longer runs and after a little while of hiking uphill. Since I’m pretty sure it’s not muscle pain, I don’t want to just push through it. Do I need to take a complete break from running? Do I even need to take a break from walking? If so, for how long? Or is it going to be enough to reduce mileage a bit? Do I need to start cross training more at this level already?
Thank you in advance!
Edit: just remembered, first time I felt it was during a 30k flat hike a few weeks back. It usually goes away overnight at the latest.
Are you familiar with IT Band syndrome? Could it match the symptoms you have?
Thank you, I’ll look it up. Edit: from what I’m finding, the pain would be in a slightly different position. Mines centred, not on the outside of the knee.