This is supposed to be a fun question and so far, several of you have responded with mundane replies, pretending to be sophisticated about the matter. Don’t fucking any of you ever just, live life a little?

Since I work at one, I know the first thing I’d do is break all the kerosene canisters in sporting goods, cause a fire and that alone will burn the entire half of the store since Auto with it’s oils, Lawn and Garden and Toys will happily fuel that fire too.

Then I’d go to hardware as the fire develops, taking sledgehammer and hatchet that they sell and go to work breaking everything.

Forget looting, I want to destroy capitalism’s toys.

  • @shalafi
    31 month ago

    All too easy. Grab a scissor life and start knocking the sprinkler heads off. IYKYK.

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      Had a dude take power equipment into the meat freezer, sheared off a sprinkler head in the process.

      The freezer remained operational, so everything was coated in frozen sludge. Total loss of merchandise, and I think the power equipment was a loss too.

      I’m not sure how he kept his job, but that wasn’t my call.

    • @Adulated_Aspersion
      11 month ago

      Only works until the initial sludge is cleared. I would bet it would be relatively clear water by head 3.

      Now, if you take that scissor lift and attach something that can rip the head off, attach the same thing to ALL heads, and then attach those to one forklift and drive out of the building… that would do it.