• Fire(place)
  • Ebb and flow of water at shorelines
  • water droplets dropping
  • winds
  • storms
  • fish swimming
  • bird baths
  • bugs “chirping”

By ambient, i mean something that is both stochastic and also sort of repetitive and something you could have happening in the background that is enjoyable in a furniture music/video kind of sense. You dont really pay attention to it but its good company that prevents deathly silence if that makes sense

  • @dukeofdummies
    51 month ago

    I mean… it’s not, quite nature… but a massive cornfield, surrounded by more cornfields, surrounded by more cornfields.

    One of my relatives is a farmer and I remember sitting on his porch and hearing absolutely nothing, nothing but corn. His neighbors grew corn, his neighbor’s neighbors grew corn. It was just, pure corn stalks. Everywhere.

    No bugs chirping

    No birds flapping

    No squirrels running around

    No cars on the road

    No planes in the sky

    Just wind through fucktons of corn. It was so surreal. It was the closest thing I’ve ever heard to total silence. It was like living in a barren wasteland but everything was green, with endless food. It was both chill and unsettling all at the same time.

    • MaggiWuerze
      31 month ago

      Yeah, in the end a corn field is about as alive and diverse as a parking lot