Sorry, noob here. I have been using Linux for a decade at least, but some basic stuff still stump me. Today, it’s file sharing: The idea is that the server is good at CPU and the NAS is good at storage. My NAS does run Docker but the services are slow; and my server runs a bunch of Docker containers just fine but has limited disk space (SSD).


  • Share a directory on my NAS, so that my homelab server can use it.
  • Security is not important; the share does not need to be locked down.


  • Server+NAS are on their own little 1Gb Cisco switch, so network latency should be minimal.
  • Linux NAS and Linux server have separate users/UID/GID.

Whatever I try, it always ends up with errors about ‘access denied’ or read-only or something. I conclude that I am not smart enough to figure it out.


  • @nivenkos
    42 years ago

    I got it working following -

    The main issue I had IIRC was making sure that the local user owns the share directory itself (e.g. on the NAS in your case) rather than root.

    If you post more details (i.e. the error logs and configuration), I can take a look at my configuration tonight.

    It’s quite a hassle at first (especially using IP addresses), but once you get it working it’s cool as you can even put it in fstab, etc. to make it all automatic.