Today, I saw real snow in my hometown for the first time ever. Florida’s previous record was 3 inches in 1895. Today, we received about 6-7.5 inches of snow. And - I can’t believe it - it’s still there right now!

The implications of this are of course kind of terrifying, but seeing everyone so excited and playing outside has been nice. I’ve watched people introducing their pets to their first snow, making snow angels, playing with makeshift sleds. I’ve heard people cheering and having fun all through my neighborhood.

People are happy to be off work. Even the Waffle Houses are closed. There are no cars on the road. It’s a nice little respite during a particularly horrifying time. I know it’s a symptom of something much worse to come, but it’s beautiful anyway.

  • @shalafi
    82 months ago

    7" in the Pensacola metro. Lost power for 6 hours last night, had to use candles to warm our bedroom.

    Hiked to the creek during the storm. Lucky my dumbass didn’t fall in. This much accumulated in the time it took me to take a piss and snap a couple of pics. It poured like that for 7 HOURS.

    My Filipino wife was doing back flips, never seen snow before.