
Trump plans to lift the Biden administration’s freeze on supplying 2,000-pound bombs to Israel and reverse sanctions against Israeli settlers.

  • Queen HawlSera
    71 month ago

    Because EVERY discussion had like fifteen tankies going “BuT YoU NeEd A REasON fOr Us tO voTe thAt IsN’T TrUMp!11”

    • @dx1
      1 month ago

      And the disproof of that argument is Trump sending the 2,000 pound “bunker buster” bombs?

      You know how many Biden sent? FOURTEEN. THOUSAND: That’s as of last June.

      Those bombs can wipe out a hundred people (and did, over and over). You know how many fighting members Hamas (Al Qassam) was supposed to have had as of Oct 7? Forty thousand. Do the math. And then go take a look at the pictures coming out of Gaza this week.

      I don’t know how you guys don’t get this. Biden’s policy on Palestine was “no holds barred genocide with lip service otherwise”. Trump is the same thing minus the lip service. I think you all need to take a break from talking about this until you’ve figured out what the hell is going on. Because seriously, if you don’t even know what’s happening, you’re just reacting in fight or flight mode, it’s like you’re pouring water on an electric fire.

      And honestly - your whole depiction of what the “tankies” are saying - are we supposed to rely on your mocking portrayal of them? What did they actually say? Who are we talking about specifically? What was their full argument?