It can be true both that policing in this country still needs significant reform under a democratic system, and that we are facing something akin to a Nazi takeover and/or a civil war and are in for a hell of a fight to preserve a functioning democracy at all, and need anyone at all who’s willing to stand on the functioning-democracy side, most especially the people who are privileged to use appropriate violence in its defense without it causing an uproar, backlash, and even more violent anti-terrorism crackdown.
You can have the alcoholism intervention for the crew member once the boat isn’t going to sink and all of us drown. They’re both important, but not to the same degree.
A fair and reasonable point that I hope you are correct about.
Not going to edit my first comment because that feels dishonest.
“A disturbingly, disproportionately high number of those who work forces” just doesn’t roll off the tongue. Then again, I wouldn’t have thought that “All research and successful drug policy shows that treatment should be increased (Oh) and law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences” would make banging lyrics, but boy was I wrong.
It can be true both that policing in this country still needs significant reform under a democratic system, and that we are facing something akin to a Nazi takeover and/or a civil war and are in for a hell of a fight to preserve a functioning democracy at all, and need anyone at all who’s willing to stand on the functioning-democracy side, most especially the people who are privileged to use appropriate violence in its defense without it causing an uproar, backlash, and even more violent anti-terrorism crackdown.
You can have the alcoholism intervention for the crew member once the boat isn’t going to sink and all of us drown. They’re both important, but not to the same degree.
So shines an honest admission of a counterpoint, in a weary world. I salute you man.