At Yellowstone, a bison gored a Phoenix woman, causing injuries to her chest and abdomen. A Minnesota woman was hurt in her abdomen and foot at Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

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  • @AlpacaChariot
    42 years ago

    Is this common? People do get attacked by cows in the UK but it’s usually because they have a dog with them and the cows have had a bad experience with dogs in the past or something.

    • PlasmaDistortion
      62 years ago

      Yes, because bison are unpredictable and at times irrationally angry. Right now it is also mating season which makes the bulls even more temperamental. And humans are stupid and get too close.

    • @ZapBeebz_
      52 years ago

      It’s relatively common at Yellowstone, BOTH because bison are fucking massive and because tourists are idiots who typically can’t follow simple directions like “Stay 25 yards away AT ALL TIMES. BISON ARE DANGEROUS WILD ANIMALS, YOU MONKEY”.

      In all fairness, this case may have just been bad luck, as it sounds like they did most things correctly, and just happened to unfortunately round a corner into a pair of bison. But we’ll have to wait to see for sure.

    • QuinceDaPence
      42 years ago

      People tend to think the “park” in National Park means it’s a controlled environment like a zoo. They don’t understand it’s the rugged wilderness just with some roads and structures that are just to mitigate the damage from too many tourists, and the animals are dangerous wild animals.

    • @clockwork_octopus
      32 years ago

      Well, bison are a lot bigger than cows, and they’re not domesticated . Also, people are idiots. I don’t know if these women were being idiots, I couldn’t read the article because paywall, but I’m not holding my breath on the matter.

    • SeaJ
      2 years ago

      FTA it happens about once a year. Bison are fucking huge. I can confirm this because I was at Yellowstone a few days ago and had one about 10m away from our car. I was wondering why people were pulling into a service road and it turned out it was to get closer to the massive wild animal. People are idiots.

      That said, it looks like the Woman in this article was not an idiot. They were staying in Yellowstone and two bison happened to get close to where they were. They turned to walk away and one of the bison charged them.

      • @AlpacaChariot
        12 years ago

        You read the article? You obviously didn’t migrate from the other place!