Long overdue, fingers crossed ECC spends it wisely now

  • Ben Matthews
    314 days ago

    Which infrastructure improvements? How about a north-south metro or tram? And is that guy meant to symbolise what happens if you don’t pay the tax?

    • @OlapOPM
      414 days ago

      More trams essentially. But cycle improvements, perhaps more park and rides, or cycle storage even. A metro in Edinburgh is exceptionally unlikely due to the hilly nature and already built environment. And north to south is questionable too, the majority of commuters coming from the west for instance. Can’t comment on the guy

      Do you stay in Edinburgh? What would you spend it on?

      • Ben Matthews
        214 days ago

        Long ago, as a student, but not so much has changed. Due to ancient geology the main roads, railways and tram already run east-west, which is why a tunnel would complement that for north-south, although trams across the bridges are an obvious first step to replace the queue of buses.