I know there are posts out there explaining this quite well, but I would love an ELI5 version. What is Lemmy and the Fediverse?

  • NebLem
    1 year ago

    Think of email as people sending letters over the phone. When it first came out, mail carriers only took their specific-sized paper, which couldn’t fit into mailboxes provided by other carriers. People could only mail each other if they used the same carrier. For example, kids wanted to send letters to grandmas, but the grandmas used different carriers. Eventually, some carriers got together and decided to use the same size of paper and mailbox size. The standardization became the email protocol.

    However, with the new ease of sending letters, some mean people started sending messages to the grandmas, so grandmas stopped allowing all the carriers to deliver to them. This is how ban lists were made.

    Grandmas can be very different, and each has their own things they are okay with. Eventually, this led to many bans making it hard to keep up except for the largest carriers that could hire staff to ensure compliance. They bought out the smaller carriers as more people switched to them. This is called centralization.

    Some grandmas thought it would be neat to find and share recipes together. They sent their collections to recipe magazines and asked the magazines to send the completed magazines back to themselves, the other grandmas, and their grandkids. These became the first media forums, blogs, and websites. Eventually, people wanted to get their blogs about different topics all in one place. This became social media.

    It was really messy at first because the magazines/websites created were in the order that the stories were received. They could be about anything, and some of the stories were from that yucky kid in class that talks about bugs and poop all day. To solve that, they started voting on what topics were the best and only showing the good ones to everyone but allowing those that really wanted to hear about bugs and poop still read and talk about that. This became link aggregation.

    The rules for how that voting worked were decided by the website owners. Sometimes they would cheat to get their stories put to the top, for example, their choice of who Superman or Batman was the best superhero. People started wondering why they had to listen to those people, so they started making their own websites. All these small splits ended up with the main website everyone went to and mostly empty websites about whatever topic the small website wanted to discuss. Since that didn’t solve the situation, they came up with the idea that maybe the small websites should talk to each other, and as long as they didn’t talk about the one issue, they split from the big website. They could all stop being on the big website. This was called federation.

    Lemmy is federation for link aggregators.

    Edit: formatting / grammar fixes