There’s actually a whole ‘thing’ about that! Hellenic sculptures tend to be very idealized, and while the Romans learned most of their artistic techniques from the Greeks, there was a popularity of ‘verism’ in Roman sculpture, emphasizing physical flaws, especially signs of age. It’s thought that this reflected Roman mores and norms rather than being purely stylistic; the imperfections of a person emphasizing republican ideals of citizen-politicians, and of an un-vain age reflecting both wisdom and good, honest Roman practicality!
There’s actually a whole ‘thing’ about that! Hellenic sculptures tend to be very idealized, and while the Romans learned most of their artistic techniques from the Greeks, there was a popularity of ‘verism’ in Roman sculpture, emphasizing physical flaws, especially signs of age. It’s thought that this reflected Roman mores and norms rather than being purely stylistic; the imperfections of a person emphasizing republican ideals of citizen-politicians, and of an un-vain age reflecting both wisdom and good, honest Roman practicality!
Nah girl, I’m not old I’m just a Verist.