And if you’d decide to leave, where would you go?
Context for why I’m asking: I’m trans and currently live in Minnesota, I moved here from Florida so I have some idea of how miserable big moves can be. I can get EU citizenship which makes me very lucky, but… Do I sit here and hope Minnesota can protect me from 🥭 or do I try to build a life somewhere else, again?
I have never fit in America, but I have no delusions I would fit in any other country. I think Canada is fed up with us Americans, so the closest culturally related country isn’t an option.
Europe has a lot of different cultures that range from relatively close to the US (UK, Ireland) to ones that are more different but still not all that far off. I mean think about it, the US was built by immigrants from all over Europe that brought their different cultures with them.
If I may, perhaps somewhere in Europe is somewhere you’d fit in better. No guarantee course but I felt compelled to at least mention my thought
Thanks for the sentiment, but the chances of the EU granting citizenship to me is very low. Including any sort of ancestry claims; I don’t believe I qualify.