• Elevator7009
    21 month ago

    Such a cute idea. Monster graphics are cute, thumbnail is cute, but looking at the graphics as a whole I really hope some of those are just placeholder assets. Unfortunately graphics are important to me—not the kind that needs an ultra-powerful GPU to run but just the style of them. Something about the environment/object graphics bothers me. But I don’t have enough art experience to say what it is.

    • Agent KaryoOPM
      21 month ago

      Agreed, it’s not even so much the fidelity as the generic feel that’s the issue with the assets in this game.

      I doubt they are going to make a massive re-desing of all graphical assets, but I could be wrong. :)

    • .Donuts
      21 month ago

      Yeah, the graphics quality itself is better than I expected, but the areas and mechanics just lack some cohesion that make an art style actually look good.