Only a fellow Boomer like Maher would think anything makes Trump look cool. Even most of the people who voted for him don’t think that.

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    51 month ago

    And by past years, you mean basically everything since 1996.

    The fact Obama got elected at all is just a statement to how much people resented the idea of Bush term 3 (in the form of McCain who was campaigning on the idea of being a continuation of Bush in every way).

    And Biden got elected because people were sick of trumps fuckery…yet here we are. Yet again…

    The democrats need to get off their ass, and not worry about pleasing the right. Go full-on "public services and universal health care for all, every pothole filled, elderly cared for.

    Instead, they’re trying to be republican lite…which isn’t going to work.