My 6 year old son has been skateboarding for almost a year, he likes it a lot and I’m very proud of him. I’ve filled up my phone taking videos of him.

He’s approaching the age where he’ll be able to skateboard at the school without me, and while I’m happy to go watch him often, I recognize he won’t always want me there supervising.

I’d like him to be able to film himself, can anyone weigh in on good options for him? The idea is mostly to document, and to review so he can see that he is achieving his goals etc. Picture quality is not really required for those goals.

I think these are what would be good:

-easy to control -easy to aim -Easy to review footage -robust (I’d also like to be able to take it skiing) -slow motion mode (he loves seeing slow motion videos from my phone)

Do you guys have any pointers I haven’t thought of? Any recommendations? Go-pro? Insta 360? Idk…

  • @friend_of_satan
    31 month ago

    I’m glad I didn’t have cameras around for all the times I skated in “no skateboarding” zones and had to run from RACs. Back then we didn’t have skate parks and stuff like they do these days. Back then skating was practically illegal.

    • @[email protected]
      11 month ago

      Same. It was barely tolerated. I was never asked to leave anywhere (I was never that good, my talent went to snowboarding instead) but it was frowned upon.