Speed kills. It’s the message that we’ve had driven home for decades by law enforcement and the government. But it’s time to have a serious discussion about speed limits in Australia without the hysterics and put some cold, hard facts into the debate.

  • @pHr34kY
    1 month ago

    I’ve never complained about being behind a car that’s doing the speed limit in the right lane. In fact, they’re ideal because your get there in the fastest possible time using the least possible fuel.

    A car in the rightmost lane doing the speed limit – by definition – cannot be an obstruction.

    What pisses me off is cars with overreading speedos that think they’re doing the speed limit. Everyone should check theirs. 100% of new cars are wrong.

    I’d happily sit on 130 if that’s the posted speed. That’s about 4500RPM in top gear for me… which is probably not the best for economy.