So I’ve played a lot of Fortress mode, but have never really explored adventure mode much. With the current new release, I’m thinking of giving it a shot, but I was curious about what everyone’s experience is with adventure mode. How good is it? Can it lead to crazy/epic stories like in Fortress mode, or is it mostly just eat, drink, kill monsters, and get loot?

I never read any crazy stories from adventure mode, and I’m not super interested if it is still a simple kill and loot type of game. I’m also currently playing Cataclysm DDA, which does a great job of scratching my rogue-like itch.

  • @RebekahWSD
    71 month ago

    I think the fluffy wambler story is from adventure mode, but unsure. It’s not very…it’s a very free form thing. I like it, but I like wandering around. I did try the new “god gives you a quest” which did have direction, then asked for another quest and…it was the same one. Not to the same place but identical item to get. It’s very veery make your own fun. It does not have a lot of quality of life things. I usually go goblin cause then I don’t have to eat or sleep.