Posting a few thoughts as a comment to keep things somewhat unassuming.

  • @ummthatguyOP
    92 months ago

    Generically appealing, cookie cutter, storyboard by committee with just a touch of fan service… for that minty aftertaste.

    I included Temple of Doom because of the barge chase scene. When I realized what it was, just couldn’t help but throw my head back and laugh.

    From the trailers leading up, I was trying to figure out who would be the requisite traitor. Was still undecided between Alok (augmented human from the Eugenics Wars) and Quasi (Chameliod not directly referenced since Wesley’s fuzzy girlfriend). 2 strikes on that one.

    Last note: Jamie Lee Curtis as the cybernetically enhanced human replacement for the maniacal AI. So, Control is now being used as a title á la Charlie of Charlie’s Angels. Obvious sequel bait, though I find it exceedingly unlikely to occur at this point. Bonus points for her latching onto 2 huge stinkers in short succession. Borderlands… still haven’t touched that one.