• @NatakuNoxM
      21 month ago

      Your reading skills are as good as your political skills.

      One: I voted blue!

      Two: looking at the voting data it’s obvious that having a working class focused agenda and a pro Palestinian platform would have won the democrats the election. If I know this, the dems leadership 100% knows as well.

      Voting is inherently transactional! If you want demographics vote for you have to take up their concerns. The Democratic party said nope to every demand from key demographics of their base and know you want to talk about regrets!? Grow up.

      • شاهد على إبادةOPM
        21 month ago

        They require the same fealty and unconditional support to their dear leader as conservatives. Calling out Biden on his crimes has them defending his crimes and dehumanizing the victims. This is monarchists level of subservience and worship.