So I’ve played a lot of Fortress mode, but have never really explored adventure mode much. With the current new release, I’m thinking of giving it a shot, but I was curious about what everyone’s experience is with adventure mode. How good is it? Can it lead to crazy/epic stories like in Fortress mode, or is it mostly just eat, drink, kill monsters, and get loot?

I never read any crazy stories from adventure mode, and I’m not super interested if it is still a simple kill and loot type of game. I’m also currently playing Cataclysm DDA, which does a great job of scratching my rogue-like itch.

  • @4Robato
    1 month ago

    It’s slower than fortress mode but the cool thing is to interact with known entities that you encountered during your fort or you can use it to get a feeling of the world more closely and then make a fort on the area.

    I think if dwarf fortress was just this mode you would prefer things like caves of qud which is more polished in that regard but you don’t get the fort interaction you have in dwarf fortress.

    I mean the level of interaction is as deep and convoluted as you expect from a mode in dwarf fortress.